Genetic Algorithms (GA)

Lecture notes on nature-inspired learning algorithm
Author @asyncze


Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA) #

Genetic algorithms (or GA) describe population-based methods that are inspired by natural selection, i.e. Darwin's theory of evolution. GA work well with continuous and discrete variables and can handle a large number of decision variables. The decision variables are evaluated with cost functions.

A binary genetic algorithm (or BGA) is simply any GA using binary encodings.

Notation #

Naming Description
N[var] number of decision variables of chromosome
N[bits] total number of bits of chromosome
N[pop] population size
N[pop] * N[bits] total number of bits in population
X selection rate in step of natural selection
N[keep] = XN[pop] number of chromosomes that are kept for each generation
N[pop] - N[keep] number of chromosomes to be discarded
x[low] lower bound of variable x
x[high] upper bound of variable x
P[n] probability of chromosome n in mating pool N[keep] to be chosen
c[n] cost of chromosome n
C[n] normalised cost of chromosome n
mu mutation rate, which is probability of mutation

The decision variables are represented as chromosomes such as [v[1], v[2], ..., v[N[var]], where each gene is coded by m-bits, so total number of bits per chromosome is N[bits] = mN[var]. The cost is evaluated by some cost function and result is presented as sorted table, also referred to as cost table (with most fit candidate at top).

A population N[pop] is a group of chromosomes each representing a potential solution to some function, e.g. f(x,y) where (x, y) represent some chromosome [1100011, 0011001].

Natural selection #

The selection process imitates natural selection where only best potential solutions are selected. A selection happens each generation (or iteration), where selection rate X is the fraction of population that survive.

The number of chromosomes that are kept is N[keep]. Generally, the most fit (i.e. best) are kept and the least fit are discarded (replaced by offsprings). For example N[pop] = 8 and X = 0.5 then N[keep] = X * N[pop] = 8 * 0.5 = 4, so keep best four chromosomes.

Thresholding is a computationally cheaper method than selection rate. The chromosomes with costs (measure of fitness) lower than some threshold survive and higher than threshold are discarded (minimization). A new population is generated when no chromsomes are within threshold and threshold can be updated with each iteration.

Binary encoding and decoding #

Here's an example of binary encoding:

And here's an example of binary decoding (from binary to decimal):

Bits required to achieve precision #

Here's a method to find bits required to achieve precision of d decimal places given a range:

Selection #

The selection process involves selecting two chromosomes from the mating pool to produce two new offsprings. The offsprings are either kept or discarded based on parameters:

Weighted random pairing (or roulette wheel weighting) assign probabilities that are inversely proportional to cost to chromosomes in mating pool, where chromosomes with lowest cost have greatest chance to mate:

Tournament selection is problem independent and work best with larger population sizes but sorting is computationally expensive. The chromosomes with good quality have higher chance to be selected:

Crossover and mutation #

The crossover process creates offsprings by exchanging information between the parents selected in the selection process.

Single-point crossover is a randomly selected single crossover point and generates two offsprings by swapping segments from either side of the crossover point between parents.

Double-point crossover segments between two randomly generated crossover points are swapped between parents.

Uniform crossover bits are randomly selected for swapping between parents.

Mutation #

A mutation is a random alteration of certain bits in the chromosomes. This is done to allow the algorithm to explore a wider cost surface by introducing new information:

  1. choose mutation rate mu, which represent probability of mutation
  2. determine number of bits to be mutated, with elitism mu(N[pop] - 1) * N[bits], or without elitism mu(N[pop]) * N[bits]
  3. flip bits at random or otherwise

The selection-crossover-mutation process should continue until the population meets some stopping criteria (convergence), such as finding an acceptable solution, exceeded maximum number of iterations, or there's no further changes to offsprings or cost.

Implementation in Python #

import random
import math

from tabulate import tabulate


# helper function to print as table
def print_as_table(population):
    table = tabulate(
        headers=['n', 'encoding', 'decoded x, y', 'cost'],
    print(table, end="\n\n")

def encode(x, x_low, x_high, m):
    """Encode decimal number into binary

    x (int)                 : decimal number
    x_low (int)             : lower bound of x
    x_high (int)            : upper bound of x
    m (int)                 : number of bits
    decimal = round((x - x_low) / ((x_high - x_low) / (2 ** m - 1)))
    binary = []
    while decimal >= 1:
        if decimal % 2 == 1:
        decimal = math.floor(decimal / 2)

    while len(binary) < 4: binary.append(0)

    return list(reversed(binary))

assert encode(9, -10, 14, 5) == [1, 1, 0, 0, 1]

def decode(B, x_low, x_high, m):
    """Decode binary into decimal number

    B (list)                : binary number
    x_low (int)             : lower bound of x
    x_high (int)            : upper bound of x
    m (int)                 : number of bits

    return x_low + int((''.join(map(str, B))), 2) * ((x_high - x_low) / ((2 ** m) - 1))

assert int(decode([1, 1, 0, 0, 1], -10, 14, 5)) == 9

def generate_population(f, n_pop, x_range, y_range, m_bits):
    """Generate initial population

    f (function)            : cost function
    n_pop (int)             : number of population
    x_range (list)          : range of x
    y_range (list)          : range of y
    m_bits (int)            : number of bits
    pop_lst = []
    for i in range(n_pop):
        x = random.randint(x_range[0], x_range[1])
        y = random.randint(y_range[0], y_range[1])
        # encoded values
        x_encoded = encode(x, x_range[0], x_range[1], m_bits)
        y_encoded = encode(y, y_range[0], y_range[1], m_bits)
        # decoded values
        x_decoded = round(decode(x_encoded, x_range[0], x_range[1], m_bits), 2)
        y_decoded = round(decode(y_encoded, y_range[0], y_range[1], m_bits), 2)
        # determine initial cost
        cost = round(f(x_decoded, y_decoded), 2)
        # append to list
        pop_lst.append([i, x_encoded + y_encoded, [x_decoded, y_decoded], cost])

    # sort on cost
    pop_lst.sort(key = lambda x: x[3])
    # update index
    for i in range(len(pop_lst)): pop_lst[i][0] = i

    return pop_lst

# example_population = generate_population(
#     f,
#     n_pop=6,
#     x_range=[5, 20],
#     y_range=[-5, 15],
#     m_bits=4
# )
# print_as_table(example_population)
#   n  encoding                  decoded x, y       cost
# ---  ------------------------  --------------  -------
#   0  [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]  [7.0, 13.67]     22.160
#   1  [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]  [8.0, 12.33]     30.680
#   2  [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]  [8.0, -5.0]     100.000
#   3  [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]  [13.0, 1.67]    119.140
#   4  [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]  [12.0, -1.0]    126.000
#   5  [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]  [18.0, -3.67]   213.030

def generate_offsprings(population, crossover):
    """Generate offsprings

    population (list)       : population
    crossover (list)        : crossover points
    n = 0
    offsprings_lst = []
    while n < len(population):
            population[n][1][0:crossover[0]] +
            population[n + 1][1][crossover[0]:crossover[1]] +
            population[n + 1][1][0:crossover[0]] +
            population[n][1][crossover[0]:crossover[1]] +
            population[n + 1][1][crossover[1]:]
        # pair-wise
        n += 2

    return offsprings_lst

def mutate(offsprings, mu, m_bits):
    """Mutate offsprings

    offsprings (list)       : offsprings
    mu (float)              : mutation rate
    m_bits (int)            : number of bits
    nbits = round(mu * (len(offsprings) * m_bits * 2))
    for i in range(nbits):
        offspring = random.randint(0, len(offsprings) - 1)
        bit = random.randint(0, m_bits * 2 - 1)
        # flip bits
        if offsprings[offspring][bit] == 1:
            offsprings[offspring][bit] = 0
            offsprings[offspring][bit] = 1

    return offsprings

def update_population(f, current_population, offsprings, keep, x_range, y_range, m_bits):
    """Update population

    f (function)                : cost function
    current_population (list)   : current population
    offsprings (list)           : offsprings
    keep (int)                  : number of population to keep
    x_range (list)              : range of x
    y_range (list)              : range of y
    m_bits (int)                : number of bits
    offsprings_lst = []
    for i in range(len(offsprings)):
        # decoded values
        x_decoded = round(decode(offsprings[i][:4], x_range[0], x_range[1], m_bits), 2)
        y_decoded = round(decode(offsprings[i][4:], y_range[0], y_range[1], m_bits), 2)
        # determine initial cost
        cost = round(f(x_decoded, y_decoded), 2)
        # append to list
        offsprings_lst.append([i, offsprings[i], [x_decoded, y_decoded], cost])

    # sort on cost
    offsprings_lst.sort(key = lambda x: x[3])
    # update index
    for i in range(len(offsprings_lst)): offsprings_lst[i][0] = i
    # discard current population
    current_population[keep:] = offsprings_lst[:keep]
    # sort on cost
    current_population.sort(key = lambda x: x[3])
    # update index
    for i in range(len(current_population)): current_population[i][0] = i

    return current_population

M_BITS = 4
N_POP = 4
N_KEEP = 2
MAX_GEN = 10000 # max number of generations
crossover = [3, 6] # crossover points

# cost function to minimize
def f(x, y): return -x * ((y / 2) - 10)
# bounds (constraints)
x_range = [10, 20]
y_range = [-5, 7]

current_population = generate_population(f, N_POP, x_range, y_range, M_BITS)
#   n  encoding                  decoded x, y       cost
# ---  ------------------------  --------------  -------
#   0  [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]  [10.0, 6.2]      69.000
#   1  [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]  [12.67, -3.4]   148.240
#   2  [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]  [14.0, -1.8]    152.600
#   3  [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]  [20.0, -4.2]    242.000

for i in range(MAX_GEN):
    # 1. generate offsprings (crossover)
    offsprings = generate_offsprings(current_population, crossover)
    # 2. mutate
    offsprings = mutate(offsprings, MUTATE_RATE, M_BITS)
    # 3. update population
    current_population = update_population(

#   n  encoding                  decoded x, y      cost
# ---  ------------------------  --------------  ------
#   0  [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]  [10.0, 7.0]     65.000
#   1  [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]  [10.0, 7.0]     65.000
#   2  [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]  [10.0, 7.0]     65.000
#   3  [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]  [10.0, 7.0]     65.000