Swarm IntelligenceLecture notes on nature-inspired learning algorithm |
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Author | @asyncze |
A swarm intelligence is any system with collective behaviour by unsophisticated agents interacting locally with environment and causing emergent global patterns. A swarm provides the basis to explore collective or distributed problem solving without centralised control or provision of a global model.
Social colonies are flexible enough to respond to internal perturbations and external challenges, robust enough to complete tasks even if some individuals fail, decentralised (no central control in colony), and self-organised (paths to solutions are emergent).
Self-organisation is a set of dynamic mechanisms where structures appear at global level from interactions of lower-level components (such as ants):
A stigmergy is a mechanism that mediate animal-to-animal interactions and form of indirect communication mediated by modifications of environment. Signs observed by individual triggers specific response or action (reinforce or modify signals to influence actions of others, positive or negative).
There are two forms of stigmergy:
An artificial pheromone can be an artifical stigmergy, such as indirect communication mediated by numeric modifications of environment states locally accessible to agent, or stigmergic variable, such as encapsulate information used by artifical ants to communicate indirectly.
Ants appeared on earth about 100 million years ago and have an estimated population of 10 ** 16
individuals. They are social, live in colonies of 30 to millions, and show collective behaviour (foraging, division of labour, cooperative support, construction). Ants are stimulus-response agents where an individual perform simple and basic action based on local information. Simple actions appear to have a large random component.
Example of good fit for ant colony optimization:
Binary Bridge Experiment is a simple experiment to study foraging behaviour of ants, where ants drop a chemical pheromone while walking and have larger probability to follow path with higher pheromone trail, shortest path is selected (ants return to nest faster) and pheromone on shortest path is reinforced (positive feedback).
probability to choose path A: P_A(t + 1) = ((c + n_A(t)) ** a) / (((c + n_A(t)) ** a) + ((c + n_B(t)) ** a)) = 1 - P_B(t + 1)
n_A: number of ants on path A
n_B: number of ants on path B
c: degree of attraction of unexpected branch
a: bias using pheromone deposits in decision process
The artificial ant decision process algorithm:
and a
, calculate P_A(t + 1)
r <= P_A
, then follow path A
The simple ant colony optimisation method is a graph ((i, j)
is edge from node i
to node j
), where pi_ij(t)
is pheromone concentration associated with edge at generation t
is assigned small initial random value) and L_k(t)
is length of path from source to destination constructed by ant k
The stopping criteria is maximum number of iterations, an acceptable solution, or most ants following the same path:
at node i
(roulette wheel selection method)p_k_ij(t) = { pi_a_ij(t) / sum[pi_a_iu(t)] if j in N_k_i(t), 0 otherwise }
N_k_i(t): set of feasible nodes connected to node i with respect to and k
a: constant greater than zero
edge: (i, j)
pi_ij(t) = (1 - rho) * pi_ij(t)
rho: evaporation rate (random number between 0 and 1, not inclusive)
pi_ij(t + 1) = pi_ij(t) + sum[delta(pi_ij(t))]
delta(pi_ij(t)) = { Q / f(x_k(t)) if edge in path x_k(t), 0 otherwise }
x_k(t): solution of ant k
f(x_k(t)): quality of solution
Q: constant greater than 0
Particle swarm optimization is a numerical and population-based optimisation technique to discover optimal regions of high-dimensional search space using collective behaviour of individuals:
Particle swarms expand the ant-swarm behaviour model to N
-dimensional physchosocial space without constraints of physical laws. The swarm consists of set of particles and each particle represent potential solution for some N
-dimensional optimization problem. The velocity updated as previous velocity + cognitive bias c_1
+ social bias c_2
The stopping criteria is maximum number of iterations, an acceptable solution, no improvement observed over a period of iterations, or swarm radius close to zero.
Global best particle swarm method use star topology, the whole swarm as neighbours, and particles are updated based on social information from all particles in swarm (best position found by swarm).
Local best particle swarm method use ring topology, small number of particles as neighbours, and particles updated based on social information exchanged within neighbourhood of particle (local best position within neighbourhood).
Different methods for selecting neighbourhoods:
An inertia weight is an mechanism to control exploration and exploitation abilities of swarm without controlling velocity.
v_ij(t + 1) = w * v_ij(t) + (c_1 * r_1_j(t)) * (y_ij(t) - x_ij(t)) + (c_2 * r_2_j(t)) * (Y_j(t) - x_ij(t))
w: * > 0
c_1: cognitive bias
c_2: social bias
Other methods to adjust weight:
w: random number [0,1]
w(t) = (w(0) - w(n)) * ((n - t) / n) + w(n)
where w(0) >= w(n)
w(t + 1) = ((w(t) - 0.4) * (n - t)) / (n + 0.4)
where w(0) = 0.9
import random
MAX_ITERATIONS = 50 # feel free to change this to stop at convergence
weight = 0.5 # constant inertia weight
c_1 = 1 # cognative constant
c_2 = 2 # social constant
def generate_swarm(x_0, n_par):
"""Generate swarm of particles
x_0 (list) : initial position
n_par (int) : number of particles
dimensions = len(x_0)
swarm = []
# generate particles
for i in range(0, n_par):
position = []
# best position
position_best = -1
# particle velocity
velocity = []
# particle error (cost)
error = -1
# best error (cost)
error_best = error
# position and velocity
for i in range(0, dimensions):
velocity.append(random.uniform(-1, 1))
# append particle
"dimensions": dimensions,
"position": position,
"position_best": position_best,
"velocity": velocity,
"error": error,
"error_best": error_best
return swarm
def update_velocity(velocity, position, position_best, global_pos):
"""Update particle velocity
velocity (float) : particle velocity
position (float) : particle position
position_best (float) : best position
global_pos (float) : global best position
# random bias
r_1 = random.random()
r_2 = random.random()
# update velocity
velocity_cognative = c_1 * r_1 * (position_best - position)
velocity_social = c_2 * r_2 * (global_pos - position)
velocity = weight * velocity + velocity_cognative + velocity_social
return velocity
def update_position(position, velocity):
"""Update particle position
position (float) : particle position
velocity (float) : particle velocity
position = position + velocity
return position
def iterate_swarm(f, swarm, bounds=None, global_best=-1, global_pos=-1):
"""Iterate swarm
f (function) : cost function
swarm (list) : list of particles
bounds (list) : list of bounds for each dimension
global_best (float) : global best error
global_pos (float) : global best position
for j in range(0, len(swarm)):
dimensions = swarm[j]["dimensions"]
position = swarm[j]["position"]
error_best = swarm[j]["error_best"]
# evaluate new error (cost)
error = swarm[j]["error"] = f(position)
# update local best position if current position gives
# better local error
if (error < error_best or error_best == -1):
swarm[j]["position_best"] = position
swarm[j]["error_best"] = error
position_best = swarm[j]["position_best"]
velocity = swarm[j]["velocity"]
# update global best if position of current particle gives
# best global error
if (error < global_best or global_best == -1):
global_pos = list(position)
global_best = float(error)
# update particle velocity and position
for i in range(0, dimensions):
velocity[i] = update_velocity(
position[i] = update_position(
# max value for position
if bounds and (position[i] > bounds[i][1]): position[i] = bounds[i][1]
# min value for position
if bounds and (position[i] < bounds[i][0]): position[i] = bounds[i][0]
# return
return swarm, round(global_best, 2), [round(pos, 2) for pos in global_pos]
# Example 1
# minimize x^5 - 3x^4 + 5 over [0, 4]
def f(x): return x[0] ** 5 - 3 * x[0] ** 4 + 5
# reset global
global_best = -1
global_pos = -1
swarm = generate_swarm(x_0=[5], n_par=15)
for i in range(MAX_ITERATIONS):
swarm, global_best, global_pos = iterate_swarm(
bounds=[(0, 4)],
assert (global_best, global_pos) == (-14.91, [2.39])
# Example 2
# minimize -(5 + 3x - 4y - x^2 + x y - y^2)
def f(x): return -(5 + 3 * x[0] - 4 * x[1] - x[0] ** 2 + x[0] * x[1] - x[1] ** 2)
# reset global
global_best = -1
global_pos = -1
swarm = generate_swarm(x_0=[5, 5], n_par=15)
for i in range(MAX_ITERATIONS):
swarm, global_best, global_pos = iterate_swarm(
assert (global_best, global_pos) == (-9.33, [0.67, -1.67])