Pascal in |
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Author | @asyncze |
I'll start by writing what I consider boilerplate in compilers, lexer and parser (no parser generator). I'll then write a simple interpreter that will be able to execute arithmetic expressions. The parser will enforce operator precedence.
I'm going to implement a subset of Pascal. It's simple enough to manage to implement a large subset in a reasonable amount of time. I've also worked with Pascal grammar before so should be easier and faster to get to the more interesting parts.
On the Ruby side, there will be a Sinatra application that serves the front-end (HTML, CSS, JS) and provide the back-end API for the interpreter. The goal is to interactively provide information about the program as the programmer is still typing. Such as details about token generation, AST structure, potential issues in code, and of course the result or output of the program.
The Ruby web app is currently at a cool 25 lines. I don't see this changing too much.
require "sinatra"
require "json"
# auto-reload
require "sinatra/reloader"
require_relative "parser"
require_relative "interpreter"
set :views, File.join(settings.root, "views")
get "/" do
@title = "Pascal in Ruby"
erb :index
post "/update" do
content_type :json
request_body = JSON.parse(
# parse
characters, tokens, ast, issues = parse(request_body["input"])
# interpret
result = interpret(ast)
# return json
{ message: "ok", characters: characters, tokens: tokens.to_json, ast: ast.to_json, issues: issues.to_json, result: result }.to_json
I like this. It's short, readable, and just works. It's loading the Sinatra dependencies, setting up auto-reload, and importing parser and interpreter (separate files). The /update
route is the API endpoint to parse and interpret, which then returns number of characters (length of program), the generated tokens and AST, any detected issues, and result.
The front-end is nothing more than a few lines of JavaScript fetch, other JavaScript glue-code, and some styling.
The parser is the big chunk of code now. It's currently at 100+ lines (tokenizer and parser is combined).
# expr ::= term (('+' | '-') term)*
# term ::= factor (('*' | '/') factor)*
# factor ::= number | '(' expr ')'
It takes this grammar and returns a sequence of tokens and AST. For example, here's output from 20+2-(2*4)
# tokens
# ast
"-", [
It's also detecting issues without breaking program, here's output from 2+
# tokens
# issues
{"pos":2,"issue":"expected term after operator"}
It's trying to tell you that it expected another number or expression after the addition operator. I might make this clearer later, but it works for now. There should be a reasonable result with or without issues though, so an input of 2+
results in 2
and 1+(2
results in 3
(assuming closing parentheses at end of input).
Operator precedence seems to work, it's updating information on each keystroke, and not too slow (yet). Now I just need to add the rest of the language. I'll make another post when it can interpret a larger subset of the Pascal grammar.